On 12 November 2021, over 150 participants attended the webinar entitled ‘UK PhD Journey: How to start?’ organised by VIS to provide practical advice to the Vietnamese candidates interested in pursuing doctoral studies in the UK. At the webinar, six Vietnamese academics – PhD supervisors working in various British universities have shared their personal experiences of conducting their own PhD and now supervising PhD students in the UK.  

You can watch the video clips of all presentations at VIS Youtube Chanel:

The interactive webinar focused on important questions:

  • Why do you want to do a PhD? Why the UK?
  • What does it take to start a PhD journey in the UK?
  • What are the minimum admissions requirements in different disciplines?
  • How to apply for a PhD scholarship under the flagship scholarships schemes, such as the UKRI and Marie Curie doctoral scholarships?
  • How to prepare a PhD application, research proposal and reference letters?
  • What are the dos and don’ts in approaching a potential supervisors?
  • What is expected of you and what to expect from a research environment at British university?

The presentations and Q&A session have been well received by the participants. There were some feedback from the audience:

Dr. Duong Xuan Bien – Advanced Technology Center, Le Quy Don Technical University:

Buổi tọa đàm rất tuyệt vời. Mong các anh/chị tiếp tục cố gắng và giữ gìn sức khỏe để tạo ra thêm nhiều giá trị tốt đẹp cho cộng đồng, đặc biệt dành cho các bạn trong nước.
Xin chân thành cảm ơn các anh/chị.
Trân trọng.

Ms. Hue Hoang:

Chương trình vừa qua của VIS UK & Ireland rất thiết thực và bổ ích. Em xin cảm ơn sự nhiệt tình và tâm huyết của các giáo sư và quý anh chị trong BTC. Rất mong sẽ tiếp tục được tham gia các hoạt động tương tự trong tương lai của VIS. Kinh chúc quý anh chị nhiều sức khỏe và VIS tiếp tục phát triển tốt.

The VIS members presenters have also received a number of follow-up emails from the prospective PhD applicants. Here are some useful websites:

Since  August? 2021 VIS has launched a series of webinars to support early career researchers. Previous topics include: How to prepare an application for research grant? How to write for publication in academia?

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